5 Father’s Day Gifts that Give Back
By Reagan Dellinger
Father’s Day only comes once a year, which is why it’s important to use this time and show the father figures in our lives just how much they mean to us. Whether this means buying him that certain product he’s been dying for, cooking him a meal, or even just sitting down and spending quality time with him – there is no wrong way to say “thanks, Dad!” Also – why not get a gift for the man who gives so much, that also gives back in some way? But, shopping for dads or coming up with things to do for him can sometimes be tricky, which is why we have created this small gift guide to hopefully offer you some ideas and even inspiration for your own Father’s Day treat.
For the dad who loves watches or maybe just needs a new accessory, Original Grain makes amazing watches made completely out of sustainably sourced materials, and for every watch purchased, a tree is planted in a region where the beauty of it has no importance, but instead, the positive impact it will have on poverty, feeding families and changing lives.
Original Grain Watch
What dad doesn’t love a new pair of socks? Especially fun colorful ones? Sock Problems is a site that sells many different patterned socks, each having a significant meaning and go to a good cause. This sock, in particular, the Baller Sock, has a description of:“Take your feet to the fight with The Baller sock. We hope you’ll rock-a-mo on your lip and some mustaches on your feet. Together, we can do our part to sock prostate cancer.” Up to 50% of every purchase goes to a different cause.
The Baller Sock
We all know the saying “A dog is a man’s best friend” and if your dad has a dog, you know this is 100% true. This dog breed necktie will be your dad’s favorite thing in his closet and may even be his new everyday “go-to” look. Uncommon Goods has so many cool, specialized gift ideas that we think your dad will love and enjoy, and you’ll be happy to hear that with every purchase made, they’ll donate a dollar to a charity of your choice, plus use proceeds for scholarship funding. Win-win!
Dog Breed Neck Tie
Speaking of dogs… For the dads who love their dogs and coffee, why not save a dog with each brew? Grounds and Hounds Coffee gives 20% of all proceeds to rescue organizations working to make second-chance missions a reality.
Belly Rub Blend
And last but not least, for the dad who loves a good drink, there are many companies and distilleries doing great things for the community. A lot of local breweries are using their distilleries to make hand sanitizer for essential and health care workers during COVID-19, but beyond that, there are many brands online that are founded on giving back to the community, like New Belgium, Fair, Simple, OneHope and more. Get creative and research, you’ll never know what you’ll find!
FAIR Drinks
No matter what it is this father’s day, give the gift of giving for the man who has done so much in your life. And remember, get creative!
Reagan Dellinger is an editorial writer who specializes in all things Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle. Follow her on