By: Marta Pignatone

Anyone who says they have never cried watching “This Is Us” is most likely lying. The Pearson siblings, aka the “Big Three,” and their stories have become part of our weekly routine since the beginning of the show, and the fact that this road is coming to an end is a bittersweet feeling.
We’re all undoubtedly looking forward to seeing what will happen in the last scene that has been teased since the first season. We know that Kevin, Kate, and Randall are old now and their children are grown up, but some of the characters are missing in the flash-forward. What will happen to them? Luckily, we still have some time to discover it because the final season has some surprises before the characters say their final goodbye.
In the first few episodes, it’s become clear that Uncle Nick will take on a bigger role in the show and may introduce a new character. Possibly a love story? Our fingers are crossed. Our beloved Jack has less screen than the others, as per usual, but we know that he is always in the hearts of the Big Three.
We have laughed, cried, made other people’s stories our own, and we loved their characters as though we know them in real life. It’s impossible not to feel close to at least one of the family members.
“This Is Us” has been my comfort show for a lot of years. It’s perfect for PMS, heartbreaks, and when you simply want to feel at home for a while. We can never forget one of the most important mantras of the show: “there’s no lemon so sour that you can’t make something resembling lemonade.”
