Definition of Power Couple
By Aida Toro People meet their significant other by accident, chance, or fate. Celebrity Interior Designer, Vanessa DeLeon and Restaurateur, Bobby Bourniasâs love story is one to admire
Not Your Average Model
By Aida Toro Some may recognize Megan Powers from walking the runway for Project Runway Winner Seth Aaron, Sonia Kasparian of Urchin, and Wendy Ohlendorf, Fade to Light
She’s Got That Bling, Bling Wow!
By Aida Toro Many immigrate to the United States to experience some of the wonderful things life has to offer, all the way from pursuing an education to
Following Big Apple Dreams
By Aida Toro Pursuing an artistic dream can feel impossible from time to time, especially if you live in a remote like area or a place that simply
Dimitra Milan: The Dream Weaver
By Aida Toro Dimitra Milanâs passion and love for art began after witnessing her parentsâ artistic accomplishments. Currently residing in Arizona, Milan is 19 years old and is
Me, Myself & You
By Aida Toro The woman behind Fontem Handbags, Maayan Hotam has a gift, and a message, she wants you to give yourself.
Harry’s Daughter
By Aida Toro With autumn being a couple of days away, many want to savor that last piece of summer, whether it be through a weekend trip
My Song, My Story
By Aida Toro If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much if those words are in a song and the music in your heart?
Paying It Forward One Lash at a Time
By Aida Toro When the month of September hits, many want a new look simply because they want to feel different, yet beautiful for the up and coming